Featured Product 2 COM-SRV20

Posted May 25th, 2011 in Featured by Victor D

Syscone latest 20 Servo Controller

We are introducing a very compact solution for controlling up to 20 (RC) servos from a computer or microcontroller. The controller measures just 2.1 x 1.3 inch, it incorporates a 5V servo powered voltage regulator (no need for external power supply). Each servo range can be controlled independently, including any standard RC servos or the giant 1/4-scale servos.

The communication protocol used is similar (compatible) with the MiniSSC II servo controller and any software written for it. The COM-SRV20 servo controller is less than half the size and price of similar servo controllers. This means that the servo controller is an ideal solution even if you need to control few or more servos. The interface to the servo controller is a standard RS-232 serial port with +/-15V levels or TTL-levels (5V or 3.3V Logic Levels) @ 9600b/s baud rate.

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Featured product 1 – USB-COM43

Posted May 25th, 2011 in Featured by Victor D

Syscone latest Universal USB adapter

We are introducing a new concept of USB adapter, an “UNIVERSAL adapter” able to work with the most used interfaces on today’s market, Serial TTL(COM) ports x4, Dynamixel interface(3-pins connector), SPI, JTAG, I2C(TWI), Enhanced Bit-Bang Mode interface and Pony Programmer (EEPROM memories, Atmel and PIC microcontrollers and more).

Based on FTDI’s 5th generation “FT4232H” USB Hi-Speed(480Mb/s) Four Channel USB to UART(Serial COM) IC, the USB-AD43 adapter provides complete driver support across Windows, Mac OS X, Open Source Operating Systems such as Ubuntu Linux. Other features include: USB powered (no power supply required), Protected/Buffered outputs, Independent baud rate generators, Transfer speeds of up to 12Mbaud, and up to 4ch interface combinations.

Robot uses XBOX Kinect to see the world in 3D

Posted November 22nd, 2010 in News by Victor D

A PhD student at MIT’s Personal Robotics Group, has combined the Kinect motion controller with an iRobot Create platform to create a battery powered robot that can see its environment and obey your gestured commands. He used simultaneous localization and mapping code from OpenSLAM.org, some visualization packets from the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit, and his own interaction, human detection, and gesture code.
The robot can generate detailed 3D maps of its surroundings and wirelessly send them to a host computer. It can also detect nearby humans and track their movements to understand where they want it to go.
Kinect has grabbed the attention of hackers trying to enable its motion-sensing capabilities in environments that don’t include an Xbox. The result has been open source Kinect drivers, multitouch capabilities, interaction with Windows 7 and Mac OS X, and 3D camera applications.

Impressive HRP-4 robot will make you bow in deference

Posted October 21st, 2010 in News by Victor D

Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) is back with the mighty impressive HRP-4 humanoid. Created in partnership with Kawada Industries, this 151-centimeter (5-feet) tall, 39-kilo (86-pound) walking followup to the HRP-4C, HRP-3 and HRP-2 robots (pictured in the background) was developed to help take over manufacturing duties from a rapidly aging Japanese work force. The highly mobile HRP-4 features 34-degrees of movement with AIST proprietary control software running on a Linux core. Things get weird at the 5:30 mark of the video embedded after the break when a human enters the stage for a good ol’ fashioned stare down. Probably has something to do with his hot wife.

Self-driving taxi picks you up at the press of a button

Posted October 21st, 2010 in News by Victor D

Who needs safety drivers? Not Germany’s Freie University, that’s for sure, which has just demonstrated a self-driving taxi to rival Google’s efforts without a soul at the wheel. This laser, radar and sensor-equipped VW Passat, dubbed “Made in Germany,” has a companion iPad app from Appirion to do all the hard work, too — you just start the program, punch in coordinates and wait for the car to extract itself from a nearby parking lot and pick you up from school. Ladies and gents, the future is now. Watch it right after the break.

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Da Vinci robot-surgeon – First all robot surgery performed

Posted October 21st, 2010 in News by Victor D

A team of surgeons at McGill University, including the da Vinci robo-surgeon and a robot anesthesiologist named, of all things, McSleepy, recently removed some dude’s prostate during what is being billed as the world’s first all-robotic surgery. The device transmits hi-def 3D images to a nearby workstation, where it is controlled by surgeons “with a precision that cannot be provided by humans alone,” according to MUHC urologist-in-chief Dr. A. Aprikian. Of course, the robots are being kept on a tight leash by their human operators, with McGill’s Dr. Thomas Hemmerling pointing out that “[r]obots will not replace doctors but help them to perform to the highest standards.” Just tell that to all the other medical robots we’ve seen in this space, eh, doc? We’ve heard they have plans.

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BeBionic teases advanced bionic hand, Terminator 5 now has a prop supplier

Posted April 23rd, 2010 in News by Victor D

It won’t officially launch until May, but we’re already guessing that the folks over at DaVinci are casting quizzical glances towards BeBionic. The UK-based outfit is teasing what it calls the “next generation of fully articulated myo-electric hands,” which are said to provide “a range of naturally compliant grip patterns that provide repeatable accuracy” to those who have lost their own hand(s). Better still, the functions (speed, grip force, grip patterns, etc.) can be customized to suit each individual user, and the integrated wireless chip means that said tweaking can take place sans any troubling USB cables. The company’s also planning to reveal the planet’s first powered wrist with rotation capabilities as well as flexion / extension, and the range just wouldn’t be complete without silicone skin available in 19 tones. Hop on past the break for a couple of promo videos — we get the feeling the world of prosthetics is about to take a huge leap forward.

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NASA and GM’s humanoid Robonaut2 blasting into space this September

Posted April 23rd, 2010 in News by Victor D

Remember Robonaut2, the gold-headed robot that first flexed its biceps back in February? He’s been called up — way up. NASA has given him a one-way ticket to the International Space Station aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery on a departure that’s currently scheduled for September. It’s not entirely clear what he’ll be doing up there beyond making awe-inspiring poses like the one shown above, but he is slated to help during spacewalks and will be the first humanoid robot to leave the atmosphere. We just want to know whose shirts he’ll wear.

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AILA bot can recognize objects’ weight and fragility, render shelf stackers obsolete

Posted April 23rd, 2010 in News by Victor D

Now, this isn’t quite the height of innovation, but it’s a pretty cool compilation of existing technologies nonetheless. The femme-themed AILA robot has an RFID reader in its left palm, which allows it to obtain non-visual information about the objects put in front of it. Based on that input, as well as data collected from its 3D camera and two laser scanners, AILA can intelligently deal with and transport all sorts of items, without the pesky need for a fleshy human to come along and give it further instructions. The good news is that it’s a really slow mover for now, so if you do your cardio you should be able to run away from one in case of any instruction set malfunctions. See it on video after the break.

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The future of robots

Posted April 12th, 2010 in News by Victor D